Causes of Spalling Bricks

Water is detrimental to your chimney’s masonry and other components. Over time moisture can create all sorts of disastrous damage. One very common issue we often see from water in or on chimneys is spalling bricks. In this blog we’ll talk more about what spalling is, how it starts, and what you can do to help prevent it from escalating.

brick spalling repairs in Somerset County NJWhat is Spalling?

Spalling is a term we in the chimney industry use to describe the process of your masonry breaking down as a result of water damage. Spalling will lead to crumbling, chipping, and overall damaged bricks. As spalling escalates it continues to deteriorate the integrity of your masonry leaving you with a weakened chimney structure and more vulnerable masonry.

How Does The Spalling Process Occur?

Water Absorption

The first step in spalling bricks is the moment when water invades the bricks surface and seeps into the brick. You may not consider bricks to be a porous material, however, they can very easily absorb water and become saturated with the moisture.

The Freeze-Thaw Cycle

Once water is absorbed into your masonry, it sticks around for quite a while. As weather changes throughout the year your masonry will experience a freezing and thawing cycle in which the water in your bricks will freeze and cause the bricks to expand. The freeze cycle can be very damaging as the bricks expands and cracks or shifts throughout the freezing portion of the cycle.

Once the brick thaws, these damages are not reversed meaning the longer these issues are left unresolved, the more moisture will penetrate the bricks and escalate the damage further.

What Could Make Masonry More Vulnerable to Spalling

Lower Quality Masonry

If your bricks were not properly installed or lower quality martials were used in the building of your chimney, your masonry may be more vulnerable to the spalling process.

Your Chimney’s Age

The older your chimney gets, the weaker the structure can become from years of weathering the seasons and nature.

Repairing Spalling Bricks

If your chimney’s masonry is suffering from spalling, it’s important to have the chimney repairs by professionals. Once spalling is detected during your inspection, your technician can begin the repair process starting with removing the damaged bricks and cleaning the area. Once the damage has been removed, your technician will be able to replace the bricks and repair the mortar to secure your chimney structure.

It may be wise to also discuss water repellants with your technician to help protect your chimney in the future.

Preventing Spalling Bricks

Speaking of preventative measures, let’s talk about how you can help prepare your chimney for inevitable weather conditions that could cause or worsen spalling!

Use High Quality Materials and Trusted Chimney Sweeps

What’s that saying… “you get what you pay for”? Although a cheaper option may seem enticing in the moment, choosing higher quality bricks installed by a team of experienced professionals you can trust will save you and your chimney from extensive repairs and hefty bills in the future.

Water Repelling Treatments

Many chimney companies offer water repelling treatments that can help reduce the amount of moisture that can find its way into your masonry. Water repellents are a great option when it comes to preventative measures against moisture damage in your chimney.

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Although you can’t avoid the elements altogether, we can help minimize the damage! Whether you’re in need of repairs or prevention, we’ve got your back. Give us a call or contact us online for chimney cleanings, inspections, repairs, and more!


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Don’t take chances with uninsured, novice, roofers, unregistered business, no workman’s comp.
Our pros have to know what they’re doing when they put their heads up a chimney and to do that, chimney sweeps obtain specialized training and have years of experience in the field.